Introduction to Einstein and Special Relativity  

Problem With Clocks 

How Can Time Slow Down in Special Relativity? 

Derivation of Time Dilation and Length Contraction

Banana Eating Monkey Problem

Solution to Banana Eating Monkey Problem

Magnetism as Relativistic Effects

World Lines, Events and Intervals

Reading Space-Time Diagrams with Exercise

How Can We Justify the Look of a Space-Time Diagram Grid With Prime and Unprime Axes?

Mu-Meson Proof




Paradox: Pole in Barn (using space-time diagrams) 

Paradox: Lightning and Train

Paradox: Lightning and Train solution

Paradox: Bomb

Paradox: Twins Paradox

Paradox: "Others"

Problem Solving with Paradoxes 


General Relativity PowerPoint

Consequences of Mass/Energy Relatiohnship