CLASS pdfs




What follows are pdf's of some of the powerpoint presentations that have been given in class along with homework assignments.



Folder for One-Dimensional Kinematics (covid year).pdf's

Folder for Two-Dimensional Kinematics (covid year).pdf's

Folder for Newton's Laws.pdf's

Folder for Energy pdf's

Folder for Momentum and Collision pdf's

Goalless Problems

Folder for Rotational Motion pdf's

Folder Vibratory and Wave Motion pdf's


Semester Exam Instructions and Equations pdf


Folder for Electric Forces, Fields and Potentials pdf's

Folder for elementary DC Circuits.pdf's

Folder for Kirchoff's Laws and RC Circuits.pdf's

Folder for Magnetic Fields pdf's

Folder for Faraday's Law and Magnetic Induction pdf's

Folder for AC Circuits and RMS Values pdf's

Folder for Semiconductors pdf's

Folder for Robotics Section

Folder for Radios


MAGIC MOUNTAIN information


pre-test pdf's

Video Homework Files